Greetings burners!
We hope that everyone had a fantastic New Years! Today (January 2nd, 2024) we have some bittersweet news in regards to I’ll cut to the chase and say after much deliberation, it has been decided to close our doors. I will go into many of the reasons this decision was made, but if you stop reading here, we want to thank everyone for their love and support over the years.
As many of you know, BurnerTickets started at as a ticket platform to provide tickets for an event we were involved in creating (TEIC). Other events took notice to what we had built, and were interested in using our platform. The platform wasn’t actually built to handle multiple events initially, but some changes were made to make it possible. Unfortunately, those changes added a ton of technical debt—especially as more and more features were added to the platform.
For this reason, years ago, I started developing a “version 2” (V2) of the platform. Some of you have seen the leaps forward that the version 2 platform brings, but the unfortunate thing is I haven’t been able to give it the time it deserves. This is mostly because at the same time as doing BurnerTickets I’ve been growing my cyber security business.
As many of you know, I’m an avid cyber-security advocate. Throughout the past few years I’ve been primarily focused on helping public schools, all over the country, identify security risks and mitigate those risks. I believe that is one of the best services I have to offer to society. These last couple years have been amazing, but very time consuming. And toward the middle of 2023 things got so busy on that front, I haven’t been able to touch the BurnerTickets V2 platform.
I’ve spoken with a number of other folks looking for a solution to keep the BurnerTickets platform going without me. Unfortunately, it’s pretty hard to find someone who has the knowledge of linux system administration, programming, email administration, payment processing, and much more. It’s even harder to find someone with those skills, in the burner community, that would have the time to run and maintain the system.
For these reasons, I’ve decided to take offline. If you want some further reading on the decision, this might be of interest: Link
Again, thank you all for all your love and support throughout the years. It has meant a lot. It’s been an honor to be able to provide this vital service to the community for nearly a decade.
Much love, and as always FYD.
-Matt (SexyPants/Father Daddy)